About Us

MOMENT“If I could create a little machine that was handheld and durable that polished glasses–exceptionally well–in about 10-15 seconds, would you use it and what do you think it should look like?”
Like many good ideas, the idea for Clear360° started at a bar. Specifically, behind the bar. “Would you use it?” was the question that Dave, the bartender, asked every staff member who came through his bar. The answer: a resounding “YES”. Dave set out to solve this by inventing the Clear360°.
In 2018, Dave decided to pick up a few bar shifts to earn some extra cash. It had been 15 years since he tended bar, but it all felt more or less the same. Nothing was more “modern” or efficient; most absurdly and notably unchanged was the process of polishing glassware. Servers and bartenders were still standing around polishing glasses all the time. No matter what machine, gadget or cloth was used, everyone still stood around polishing glasses. Despite all the hand polishing, wine was still being sent back because of spotty glasses. Nothing had changed. A perpetual waste of money and time.

Ideas crystallized and confidence became conviction
but the only things Dave had were an idea, perseverance, and faith. He understood he could not build the Clear360° alone. Through a combination of luck, chance, and hard work, a few salt of the earth individuals saw an opportunity the same way he did and dedicated their time and skills to making sure the Clear360° was brought to life.
Five years later, after a series of ups and downs, Dave and these early innovators assembled a dream team with diverse backgrounds from design to marketing, distribution to engineering across the consumer products industry. The one commonality among all of these smart and successful people was their firsthand experience polishing wine glasses at some point in their lives. Together, this group of entrepreneurs developed and perfected the Clear360° and built a rock-solid company to support global demand.
The Clear360° was prototyped, tested and modified. When the design became too complicated, they simplified it. They committed to functionality and usability first and foremost. The final results were jaw-dropping. Crystal clear glass. Every. Single. Time. Servers loved the familiarity of the mist and microfiber brushes, managers loved the staff’s eagerness to use it, diners noticed and appreciated the spotless shine, and restaurateurs loved what it did for their bottom line.
It took time, it took investments, it took patience, and it took a lot of ingenuity. And now, in 2024, the Clear360°, a restaurant revolution, is being brought into bartenders’ and servers’ hands.