At 4.5 lbs, with a 9” x 9” footprint, and an ergonomically designed handle, the Clear360° seamlessly moves between server stations, the bar, the dish-room, or to back of house storage.
At 4.5 lbs, with a 9” x 9” footprint, and an ergonomically designed handle, the Clear360° seamlessly moves between server stations, the bar, the dish-room, or to back of house storage.
Two microfiber brushes polish the base, stem, inside, and outside of any size glass simultaneously, providing consistently clear results and a flawless shine in seconds.
The 3-speed, brushless motor polishes all sizes and gauges of glassware in 15 seconds.
Customers expect clean glassware, but they also want minimal hand-to-glass contact. Clear360’s brushes reduce or eliminate human touch points while being removable and machine washable.
Reduces dry glass polishing by up to 75% and eliminates the expense of disposable and laundered cloth.
The Clear360° costs less than a third of other electric glass polishing machines on the market.
Brushes should be replaced after 1500 to 2000 glasses or if there is fraying, traces of blue lint or persistent odor. To keep this simple and avoid degradation of the brush material, we suggest replacing the brushes every 30 days or less.
Lower the bowl of the glass onto one of the brushes—larger brush on the left for larger glasses, small on the right for smaller glasses. As the brushes spin, they are able to effectively reach both the inside and outside of the bowl simultaneously. Grip the glass firmly enough to maintain control, but loosely enough to allow the glass to spin slowly in your hand, ensuring that the brushes are able to touch all points of the bowl.
Reduces dry glass polishing by up to 75% and eliminates the expense of disposable and laundered cloth.
If brushes become damp during use and lose effectiveness (e.g., they merely push the moisture around) swap them out for dry brushes. If brushes are wet because you soaked them in hot water to clean them, wring them out, place them back into the Clear360°, spin them at high speed for 30-45 seconds and then hang to dry.